What is it?
Peacefulness is having a sense of calm in your heart and in your mind. It comes most especially during quiet
momemts when you wonder about things happening in your life. Peacefulness is a way of approaching conflicts or problems you
may have with others so that no one is made wrong. It is being fair to others and yourself.
Why practice it?
Practicing peacefulness felps to create a calm mind from worry. When you are peaceful, you respect others
and their differences. People also feel calm and safe when they are around you.
How do we practice it?
To find inner peace, become very still and think peaceful thoughts. To be a peacemaker, use peaceful language
instead of name-calling, yelling or gossiping. Avoid aggressive or violent actions. Talks things out and listen to the other
person too.
What would it look like if:
Your brothers bursts into your room and steps on a model or painting you just finished?
There are students of another race and religion in your class and some of your classmates are making fun of
You feel really angry about someone treating you unfairly?
Some children start to tease you and asking you to fight?
You are practicing Peacefulness when you...
Create inner peace with a regular time to meditate and reflect.
Use peaceful language even when you are angry.
Speak gently and respectfully.
Avoid harming anyone.
Find peaceful solutions to every problem.
Source: The Virtues Project-- Educator's Guide by Linda Kavelin Popov